The Angel path is is one of three mythic paths that is also given to the player automatically. The Angel mythic path is the first path you will encounter in Wrath of the Righteous and is unmissable, as it is tied to the first storybook section found in the game. You simply need to find the sword of the fallen angel right after you meet Lann and Wenduag. With those general things out of the way, let's go through the mythic paths in order of their appearance in-game. Some characters will also leave you depending on your mythic path choice. The choice also affects the army and troops you will have and who will be your council for the Crusade. Y our mythic path will also have a great influence on companions. Some companions will approve or disapprove of your mythic path choice, often based on their own alignment.You will have access to only six mythic paths at rank 3 when you first must choose the mythic path you are on. At rank 8, you can select any of the late-game mythic paths by completing a quest that allows you to re-choose your path. When you reach rank 8 in the mythic path, there will be a quest for you to re-do your choices.You can still use the powers you already have but may fail the mythic quests that provide further mythic progress. After you picked one path, there will be a quest to ask you realign yourself if you don't meet the requirement. Mythic paths have a soft alignment restriction.Mythic levels only upgrade in certain main quests. Only the main character can choose the mythic path, companions only have access to general mythic feats. You can still reach level 20 of your ordinary class while having mythic levels. Mythic levels do not mix with your ordinary character levels.So there are a couple of things players should be aware of before they begin their quest for their chosen mythic path. You meet an ominous being who wants to make a deal.Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Mythic Path Guide - General Rules Your levels are being scrambled, pick-ups modified, and enemies mutating, The origins of these happenings are unclear but you are curious enough to proceed deeper into the unknown. However things are starting to get weird. StoryYou were once a regular platforming character, running, jumping and shooting in your little 2D world. Finally, each completion of a run will progress the story with a mysterious lovable villain, earning the new character variants. Bosses drop a currency called Malbytes which can be used to upgrade your existing characters into more powerful evolutions. Experience is awarded based on performance which will provide random item unlocks on level-ups. ProgressionRogue Glitch is packed with unlockable items, characters and cosmetics to make every run a worthwhile one. Learn the different enemy types and behaviours to achieve a devastating finesse in combat. Auto-targeting projectiles will fire as you remain within proximity of enemies and a downward stomp allows you increase your damage output. MovementFluid movement is the core component to making a platforming focused roguelite.

A narrative told through completion events.

12 character variants each with upgrading stats and skins.Solo play and local co-op (Online Co-op with DLC).Play solo or up to four players to conquer the Glitchworld. Expand your arsenal to include the full range of items Rogue Glitch has to offer by leveling up then crush bosses to access unique glitched versions of your former self. Develop your character each run with random items ranging from incremental stat modifiers to lethal showers of bullets.

About This Game OverviewRogue Glitch is a platformer's paradise within a roguelite world of procedurally generated levels and arrays of enemies.